June 5, 2024
FROM: Paige Pigott, Mississippi CEC President Elect
On behalf of the Mississippi Council for Exceptional Children, I would like to invite you to participant in our Fall Conference as a sponsor or an exhibitor. This will be a great time for you to visit with administrators and teachers as they are determining how to enhance instruction in their classrooms.
On Monday, September 23 2024 beginning at nine in the morning, we will have Exhibitor Set-Up. Conference attendees will be provided an additional incentive for visiting the Exhibit Area this year. In order to be eligible for the cash door prize, they must have acquired a stamp or signature from each of the exhibitors in attendance.
Our theme this year is “Lagniappe Teachers Going Above and Beyond for Exceptional Children!”.
There are a limited number of sponsor spots for all levels of sponsorship. These will be selected on first come first serve basis.
For more details on each sponsorship levels, please click here
For additional questions or information, contact Paige Pigott, (mscec@exceptionalchildren.org)
Paige Pigott
Mississippi Council of Exceptional Children