The NMEC video production team provides a wide range of videotaping services:

  • live classroom instruction recording
  • green room studio productions
  • location-based taping
  • professional editing
  • DVD duplication
  • uploading video(s) to online databases (e.g. Vimeo)




  • two 70″ monitors
  • ceiling-mounted video projector with a 6′ x 10′ screen for presenting
  • state-of-the-art podium with the ability to easily select a device to use (e.g. computer, Elmo, Blu-ray player, or DVD player) as well as the capability to easily switch between the devices at anytime during the event
  • Projector
  • Audio speaker system
  • Three video camera recorders





  • three 70″ monitors
  • ceiling-mounted video projector with a 6′ x 10′ screen for presenting
  • state-of-the-art podium with the ability to easily select a device to use (e.g. computer, Elmo, Blu-ray player, or DVD player) as well as the capability to easily switch between the devices at anytime during the event
  • SMART podium technology
  • ceiling-mounted video projector with a 6′ x 10′ screen for presenting
  • Audio speaker system
  • Three video camera recorders


The training classrooms contains three cameras, which have the ability to capture PowerPoint or other computer-based presentations, and audio-recordable microphones. Also, the tables and chairs can easily be moved so seating can be configured and changed based on the session’s size and need.
** The system provides VGA or HDMI connection capabilities for a personal laptop; however, we encourage trainers to bring their flash drive for presentations instead of laptops or other types of devices.



NMEC has another videotaping studio commonly referred to as the green room.  It allows individuals to be videotaped using whatever background is available or provided.  The studio has a variety of audio microphones, three cameras, and a teleprompter.  After the taping is complete, the video can be transferred to a professional editing program, which allows it to be edited at exact points and quickly select the video portions wanted for usage.



NMEC also has portable equipment with the capacity to go to requested locations for videotaping.



If you have any questions or would like to visit and have a tour, feel free to contact us!

Dr. Marvin Williams, Video Production Coordinator,
P: (662)832-0730

Ms. Susan Scott, Project Coordinator,
P: (662) 915-7763 or (662) 915-7905
F: (662) 915-3790